The "let them" theory has change how I think about everything. The general consecus is when someone in your life walks away, you just let them., You can’t force anyone to stay in your life or act a certain way. You can only control yourself. You’re in charge of your own actions and reactions, and that’s where your power lies, not in trying to control what others do.
I used to think I could keep people in my life by trying really hard, but in the end I always ended up embarassing myself. People will do what they want, and trying to hold onto someone who doesn't want you back is just silly. If someone wants to leave, you let them. Letting go is always the better option.
No matter how much I wish and wish I could change someone’s mind or change the situation completely, the only thing I can control is how I react. I'm not going to lie, I'm still working on this. Controlling your emotions are hard. But it's important to recognize that I can choose how I want to respond. I always try to pick peace.
It’s normal to feel like you should’ve done something different or that you need to fix it. It's normal to miss and grieve the person. But holding on to people who don’t want to be in your life only holds you back!! Letting them leave doesn't mean you don't care. You're protecting yourself!!
I try to practice this everyday. When I stop trying to control others or force situations to go my way, I’m more open to what’s possible. The process helps me focus on my own journey instead of putting energy into things that aren’t meant for me. But when I stopped, I had to fight back the obsessive voice in my head. That’s when I realize I have always gotten through everything and I'll get through this..
Following the Let Them theory brings peace. You let go of the need to control others and create space for yourself. You can’t control everything, but you can control yourself.